I recently met a very talented and sweet artisan in the forums on Etsy. Her work was so stunning that I just had to share it with the Downtown readers! Jean from 3 Squares creates the most amazing jewelry, using various techniques which when laid together are simply gorgeous. Her photographs alone make you fall in love with each piece, they clearly showcase her talent, although I am sure having any one of her lovelies in your hot little hand would make you melt. Let's meet this extraordinary artist, shall we?
3Sqs: My shop is 3 squares. I make jewelry, mostly from some combination of metals. But glass, found objects and other paraphernalia find their way in occasionally.
TDB: What made you decide to get into this business?
3Sqs: I worked demanding jobs in marketing, advertising and online usability for 17 years and I was burned out! After much planning and saving, I finally decided I needed to do something I enjoy. Thank goodness my husband is there to support me! I work harder than ever, but now I get real satisfaction from my job.

3Sqs: I love to cook, which explains the theme of my shop. Everything I make is inspired in some way by food. My most recent projects are Valentine-inspired necklaces.
TDB: List three things we would be surprised to know about you?
3Sqs: 1. My favorite movie is It’s A Wonderful Life (but A Christmas Story runs a close second).
2. I love roller coasters.
3. I once saw Andy Warhol in Central Park.

3Sqs: My jewelry line is available at 3squares.etsy.com
Thank you so much for featuring my shop on your lovely blog. I am honored and forever grateful!
she is truly a great artist!
Great Blog!
Awesome Post!
Gorgeous Jewelry!
I love her stuff! Nice!
Beautiful jewelry! Thanks for sharing this artist with us Michele.
Oh, now we just love 3squares~
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