Good morning, and happy Friday! I have my big guy off to school, and my little guy down for a nap. Hubby's at work, and it's QUIET here! YAY! That means I get to get things done.
I wanted to congratulate Maja, for winning the $25 gift certificate from Hullabaloo Boutique. Thank you all for your comments and entries. Thank you Nicci, for giving away such a great prize, and for being willing to be featured here on The Downtown Boutique.
Awhile back, I posted in the Etsy forums about looking for people to feature on The Downtown Boutique. The response was great! My very first responder is being featured today. "KK" from
Lula Boutique has asked to be featured, so now it's her turn. KK's Etsy shop is full of wonderful vintage inspired "luxe" (jewelry). My favorites are the Jadite Crush earrings, and the "Sweet Love" Necklace (and it's being given away here on The Downtown Boutique!) KK also has a blog that you can visit:
TDB: What is a typical day in your life look like?
KK: Everyday for me is completely different.but most days are filled with Etsy and making jewelry for Lula Boutique. Trying new techniques at taking photographs, marketing, and shipping my creations off to their new homes. Oh, and I absolutely love every minute of it too!

TDB: When did you get started making jewelry?
KK: I’ve been making jewelry since I was 7 years old. Every summer during my childhood, my sister and I would vacation with my grandparents at their home in Rhode Island for a couple of weeks. Every summer they would take us shopping in Providence and one of my favorites shops was “Beauty and the Beads.” The first time I stepped foot into that fabulous bead shop I was hooked!

TDB: What or who was your most positive influence growing up, and why?
KK: Without a doubt, my Mom!!! She is a talented artist who works in several mediums and has been creating handmade goodness her entire life! She sews, sketches, and paints with watercolor. Looking back, some of my favorite possessions were all handmade by my Mom. She made me dresses, bags, hats and even stuffed animals. My Mom has always encouraged and supported my creative habits like making jewelry and I thank her for that.

TDB: What do you do when you're not crafting?
KK: When am I not crafting? I don’t even know how to answer this question. ;) Actually, I have another “job” working in Real Estate sales, so that takes a chunk of my time away from crafting. Besides that, I am fortunate to live in a gorgeous town that I love and so I try to take advantage of it as much as possible. Going downtown to take in and admire the historic architecture, art galleries, restaurants, and picnics on the beach and spending time with my husband and fabulous friends. That’s how I like to spend my time!

TDB: What's your best selling item?
KK: The “Lily & Swallow Necklace.” It’s a vintage inspired piece with an asymmetrical design that features both a swallow charm and a pink flower pendant.

TDB: What is your best advice for someone who is just starting to sell their "wares" online?
KK: I think that the best advice I can give is to love what you do. Have a passion for it! I would suggest being active with your business everyday. If you keep your shop stocked with new inventory, your customers will have a variety of choices and will be more likely to find something they adore.

TDB: If someone were to describe you, what would they say?
KK: I would love to tell you that they would describe me as being a city girl who is completely adventurous and much of the risk taker who lives life without a care in the world…But in all actuality, they would most likely say I am a small town kind of girl who is quite reserved, a little quirky at times, and a “homebody” at heart who loves life and lives it to the fullest! Oh, and they would definitely say I am “girlie-girl!”
Boy, I can sure relate to being "a small town kind of girl who is...a little quirky at times, a homebody at heart, who loves life and lives it to the fullest!" KK, thank you for sharing about yourself with our readers.
KK has generously offered up your choice of these two necklaces for her giveaway. Winner gets to choose which one they want! How cool is that?!

To Enter: Please go to KK's shop on Etsy, Lula Boutique, and look around. Come back here and let us know what your favorite item is.PLEASE leave a valid email address or your Etsy shop ID when you comment. You do not have to have a Blogger account, as long as you leave me a good way to get ahold of you. If you have a Blogger account, please make sure that your email is included in your account.
If there is not a way to get ahold of you, I will delete your comment. I hate to do that, but it needs to be a fair playing field for those who do this right.
Deadline to enter is Thursday, September 11th at Midnight PST.
This giveaway is open worldwide.
To earn an extra entry, you can blog about this giveaway. Please leave your blog URL in a separate comment.
Have a GREAT weekend!
I really like the Paris Garden Necklace.
I like Jadite Crush.
the love sonnet
I really like the Ambrosia earrings. They are beautiful!! :)
Thank you :)
My favorite is the Oleander Splendor. Thank you.
I love the Golden Ocean earrings.
I like the Glamorous in Paris necklace
I like november ivy earrings. Thanks.
damlakayi (at)
I really like the Paris Romance necklace. It's so pretty.
Paris in Love is my favorite.
I love the Le mer The sea. Thanks for the great giveaway.
The "Golden Ocean" earrings are truly beautiful!
Hello, She has a marvelous site with wonderful looking vintage jewelry!
I adore the "Glamorous in Paris" necklace. Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
My faves are Blue Skies and Paris Gardens.
bunnybx at gmail . com
bunnybx at gmail . com
I love the Sedona Flight earrings.
My favorite item is the Paris in Love necklace.
I love the Love Sonnet necklace.
I like the Emerald and Pearl earrings.
I love the piece "Flying High"
I love the swoop necklace.
Thank you for having this. I really like the Green Earth Earrings. Very beautiful. Thank you!
Swoop necklace
jennem22 at yahoo dot com
The Paris romance necklace is so beautiful as are all of the items on the
The Verdon Canyon earrings are beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love the love sonnet necklace.
rebbi511 at
I like the Golden Ocean earrings best
hollyollyberry @
I love the Golden Ocean earrings.
I adore the Savannah Sways leaf earings.
The color of the pendant on the "Blue Skies" necklace is absolutely gorgeous!
The black "Dahlia" ring is very cute!
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
paris garden necklace was my favorite!! great shop, saved it to my etsy faves!
I love the Glamorous in Paris Necklace!
I like the November Ivy earrings- thanks so much!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
I like the Wickford Drops earrings.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love Paris Garden!
The Paris Garden necklace is a great find. I have yet to see a necklace like it.
Je t'adore Glamorous in Paris! Thank you for such a fantastic giveaway!
I like the Le mer --The sea necklace!
I love the Golden Ocean earrings
Golden Ocean earrings
blue skies necklace is absolutely gorgeous!!! I'd lovvvve to win!
I like Flying High. Thanks titanicluck at gmail dot com
I love the piece "Flying High" Thanks for the chance to win such a great gift!
I love the "Oleander Spleandor" necklace. Cute items!
glamorous in paris for my sister who went there!!
buhbye509 at
Glamorus in Paris would bring back happy memories! Thanks! senekers[at]
Green Earth Earrings
Flying high is my favorite!
jamie at ohhowlovely dot net
I like the pomegranite earrings. thanks,
I love the Jadite Crush earrings. So pretty!
I really like the Love Sonnet Necklace, thank you. Ictewofire[at]aol[dot]com
I love the Love Sonnet Necklace! Thank you for this contest =)
oleander splendor and PS I Love You are my favorites!!
I love the Love Sonnet. It's a really beautiful piece.
I like the Pomegranate earrings
tiramisu392 (at)
the PS I love you necklace is so sweet! if I win (please?) I'd like the Amour necklace, please.
I love the November Ivy Earrings ;)
I would have to say the emerald and pearl earrings are my favorite!
tfisher83 AT myexcel DOT com
I love the store and marked it as a favorite! This is my cup of tea. I love the Fleur de Lis necklace!!!
Pretty necklaces! I like the Beachy Earrings.
I love the Golden Ocean earrings.
My favorite item is the Paris in Love necklace.
I love the Mint Julep earrings. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I like the Le mer --The sea necklace :)
My favorite is the Glamorous in Paris necklace
i like the love sonnet necklace
The Sonnet Necklace is just gorgeous, and I also really like Paris Romance.
My favorite is Sweet Love.
I love the swoop necklace.
My favorite is the PS I love you although all the pieces are lovely.
beausdorei at gmail dot com
I really like Lily and Swallow. It's so beautiful!
Great contest! And LulaBoutique has some fantastically beautiful stuff. My favorite would have to be the Love Sonnet necklace!!
I like Glamorous in Paris.
carissaad at aol dot com
i love the Flying High necklace. so pretty!
i like the paris in love item.
contact at:
There are so many truly beautiful items at Lula Boutique it was hard to choose just one! My favorite item is the Paris Romance, although the Fleur de Lis Necklace was a very close second for me! Ooh, la, la, they are all tres chic!
I really like November Ivy - how beautiful!
I Love the PS I LOVE YOU postcard necklace.
Nycole K.
The Paris Garden necklace is so pretty!
I adore the providence web earrings!
Such beautiful poeces to choise from it is hard but my favorite necklace is the Paris Garden.
I would have to say my favorite is the PS I love you, so adorable!
Wonderful Etsy shop! Her jewelry is gorgeous! I especially love the blue skies necklace, the color is stunning :) Thanks so much!
Katie Lyons
Thanks for the great giveaway! I love the Le mer --The sea out of all the items the most!
I love the oleander necklace; her jewelery is beautifully made!
Oleander Splendor
My favorite piece is Le mer --The sea.
My favourite is the Paris in Love necklace. It brings back memories of a very special holiday I had there a couple of years ago.
I like the Golden Ocean earrings. Just gorgeous. They have an ancient and romantic feel about them.
I Love the Love Sonnet Necklace! Thank you!
Paris in Love
darling jsur darling!
angie k
I love the dahlia ring and skie necklace
kerrisixtynine at gmaildotcom
Ahhhh... I have always loved the saying on the "Love Sonnet" necklace. All your things are just beautiful!!
Paris in Love Necklace~ ahmaur[at]
I love anything French so I love them all but these really stood out to me!
It's so hard to choose! The Sedona Flight and the Providence Web earrings both spoke to me! Lovely creations.
Glamorous in Paris
I love sedona flight - lots of yummy things - thanks so much for the giveaway.
Savannah Sways - they would be beautiful to wear year round!
CurlyfrySC's Collage
Paris in Love necklace. Love it.
I like the Swoop Necklace!
lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com
I heart the Savannah Sways !:)
My favorite is blue skys.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
My favorite's the Flying High Necklace!
The beachy earrings are my favorite.
I like the Golden Ocean earrings.
i really love the November Ivy earrings, so pretty!
The November Ivy are pretty unique. Thank you!
I love the Oleander Splendor necklace!
I love the Love Sonnet necklace!
Of course I love everything but I think my favorite would be the Fire Lilly Bloom Earrings!
Fingers are crossed!!!! :)
you can contact me at
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