I hope that you will visit the shops of those who have made this gift certificate possible. It is sponsored by the 5 paid ad spots we got during the month of September:
To Enter:
Leave a comment, letting me know what you are thankful for, or a short story of a time when someone went out of their way to help you with something.
For one extra entry, you can blog about this giveaway. Please leave a SEPERATE comment with a link to your blog post about the giveaway.
For FIVE extra entries, purchase something from any of our sponsors, located on the right hand side, starting from "Cookie Dough" and going all the way down through "Ambrosia Delights", and leave a seperate comment with the link to what you purchased. I WILL be checking with the shop owners!
Deadline to enter is Thursday, October 2nd at Midnight PST.
Giveaway is open worldwide.
NOTE: You MUST, MUST, MUST leave a valid email address, or have one attached to your Blogger profile, or you will not be entered to win, and your comment will be deleted. I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to track people down.
Have fun!
Wow!!! What a fantastic giveaway!!!
That is hard because lately I've been feeling extremely grateful for so much. I guess I could just list a million things...
I am most grateful for my life and being able to enjoy and experience the goodness that I am blessed with right now. I am thankful that I am able to enjoy the simple things in my life and to see beauty in the "everyday" ...like watching the wind make the leaves dance and to enjoy the way the breeze feels on my skin. To eat delicious food and enjoy it with the best of friends I could have ever imagined having. To know that I am loved and also to be able to love others...such a warm and safe feeling. Those are some of the things I'm thankful for right now. :)
Thanks for having this fabulous giveaway!!! Love this blog! :)
I was leaving work yesterday and heard someone yelling my name. It was a coworker (someone that I didn't know) with my work badge, which I had just dropped. I'm sure they were supposed to bring it right to security, but it was way easier to have it just returned to me straightaway. I would have been in a panic in the morning looking for my badge, wondering where I left it.
I am grateful for my family. I have two wonderful boys that keep my motivated and keep me smiling and laughing and I have a husband that really loves me.
turquoisetangerine08 at yahoo
Good Morning Angie,
I just blogged about your give away....
What a great give away....
Well, I'm most grateful for the health of my children of course..But I'm also grateful that I have the opportunity to stay at home with them while they are young and I'm able to do that with the help of my hubby working very LONG hours....
Now this is a giveaway!
The first event that someone helped me out was when I was shoveling snow. We live in Buffalo, NY and as you probably know, we get a little bit of snow. At the end of the driveway, the plows push wet, slushy, dirty, heavy snow into driveways. So, by the time you shovel the entire driveway up to the sidewalk (and are exhausted) you have the hardest part to go. As I was shoveling, a large man came down the sidewalk with his huge snow blower and waved me away, zipped through that mound in 5 minutes. Then he turned around and left. I had no idea who it was as he had on a typical Buffalo style facemask hat with only eye and mouth openings. This was an amazing relief...and he didn't even know I was three months pregnant!
I love your blog! Gonna post it on mine because it's so great!
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about what I am thankful for is my family. I truly have been blessed with a wonderful husband and great kids.
I am especially thankful for the turn around my almost 18 yo daughter has had lately. She was living 800 miles away from us and getting into (minor) trouble. She is now back home and working on her GED and plans to start college in January. We are so proud not to mention relieved!
I am so thankful for my daughter. We adopted her from Vietnam last year, and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The wait for her was long and very painful, but now that she is here, I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Hi Angie,
I'm thankful for all of your help and great designs, that have helped me get my own Etsy shop going! I'm also extremely thankful for my family- we're due in 12 days with our second child, and 1st son!
Here's a link to the item I purchased from Rio Oso this week:
Great prize! :) Thanks to the super cool sponsors! I'm thankful for being alive and having a loving husband and caring family and friends! They surely are my world :)
bunnybx at gmail . com
I am thankful that I have the opportunity every day to give to others. My greyhounds visit a senior center; I volunteered on an ambulance for four years; I worked with people with leprosy in Ecuador; I took care of a child (not mine) in the hospital; I care for a family that cares for me... I teach and learn so much!
I am thankful that I can give as much as I get!
I'm thankful for the lovely NW weather. I love the rain and cool autumn evenings.
I'm thankful for my parents. Not only did they give me a great childhood, but now they're paying for college and helping me with living expenses. I don't know what I'd do without their help. If I'm lucky enough to win, I plan to use it for textbooks. Thanks for the opportunity!
bunnybx at gmail . com
It's hard to pick one thing I'm thankful for - I've been blessed. I have a good job here in Michigan where unemployment is among the highest in the state...I have not only my health, but good health insurance...I have 3 wonderful children, who are all healthy...
thanks for reminding me!!
I am so very thankful for my supportive husband, my four boys, food on the table and clothes on my back. But most importantly, I'm thankful for a God who loves me just the way I am!
tfisher83 AT myexcel DOT com
My family & friends
I'm grateful for the fact that my family is healthy and pretty happy. I dread accidents or illness.
mitanari @yahoo.com
I'm really thankful for my friends at the moment. I've never really had many friends that I hung out with all the time, or talked to all the time, and now I have two and it's great...we love spending time together and be dorks and finding new things to obsess over. It's just good fun. I love them both!
Back again..just wanted to say that I blogged about this as well:
I am grateful to have a wonderful husband who understands me and will always take good care of me.
Thank you very much!
hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Me again, Angie! I just bought these darling earrings at Very Vintage:
This is a great way to introduce new buyers and sellers by having these contests! Thanks again.
I am so thankful that my baby boy is healthy.
Almost a year ago to date we were informed that he had a serious brain defect, that a good portion of his brain did not develop. We went through further non-invasive testing & ultimately rested it in our faith. On January 1st Jack was born, seemingly healthy, and 8 months later he is a little star, perfectly healthy. Though we have opted against any sort of testing that would require anesthesia at this point, it appears his brain has developed quite normally- in fact he has reached most milestones early. So, as I look back through my journal from last year and see October 17th fast approaching, I am so thankful for this miracle, since I can't seem to explain it any other way!
I am very thankful for my supportive husband and my family. I am blessed with 4 wonderful healthy(for the most part) children. I am thankful everyday for what I have and try to remember to appreciate it .
I am very thankful for my daughter. I struggled with infertility then 8 miscarriages. I am blessed beyond my expectations to have one healthy child. Most in my shoes don't have even one child.
I am most grateful for my family, and especially my son!
Great giveaway!! I am thankful for my good husband who works so hard for our family so I can be a SAHM to my 2 beautiful boys! coachdanelly@yahoo.com
I'm grateful to be surrounded by fabulous friends where by biggest problem is that I don't have enough time home alone to craft! I can deal with that!
When I was in my twenties, my truck broke down on the side of the road in the middle of rain storm. There was no shoulder so I was literally in mud. This man stopped, got out of his car in his suit and nice shoes, and proceeded to change my tire in the rain. He was covered in mud by the time he was done. I'll never forget his generosity - his response: As a dad of girls, he only hoped someone would be kind enough to help his daughters in a similar situation.
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I am thankful that after over two years in process, our adoption was finally approveda few weeks ago! Our little girl is legally ours!
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