It's Friday! Do you have your Christmas tree yet? We're working on it. I kind of think I might want hubby and I to secretly get it on Wednesday, and surprise our teenager when he gets home from school. Hubby's off that day, so it would be perfect!
Well, today we are featuring someone who has some fantastic stocking stuffers...Lauren from Tootie's Bubbles. Let's get to know Lauren a little better.

TDB: When did you first get into soapmaking?
Lauren: About one year ago. My mom said one day, "We should learn how to make soap. Why don't you research that?" And what she really meant by that was, "You should learn to make me homemade soap." I started with melt and pour and decided I wanted more of a challenge. I was on Craigslist one day and saw that a lady pretty close to me was selling "The Perfect Set for a Beginning Soaper" and I thought, hey that's me! I drove to Grapevine, TX, got my first set of supplies and haven't stopped!
TDB: Do you have any mishaps you want to share? Maybe something that you learned from?
Lauren: The first time I did cold process, I was unaware that if you use a plastic mold it should be lined or sprayed down with vegetable oil. Whoops. I ended up scooping them out with spoons once they were really hard. Needless to say they were used by my family only!
I've learned from all my beginning mistakes like most soapers do. My first experience with hot process was almost a disaster that I'm not sure the kitchen would've recovered from. Oh, and I also know now that ALL liquids should be cold when you are adding in lye. And if you have to do it inside, make sure those windows are OPEN! That stuff is dangerous, it's not messing around.
Lauren: About one year ago. My mom said one day, "We should learn how to make soap. Why don't you research that?" And what she really meant by that was, "You should learn to make me homemade soap." I started with melt and pour and decided I wanted more of a challenge. I was on Craigslist one day and saw that a lady pretty close to me was selling "The Perfect Set for a Beginning Soaper" and I thought, hey that's me! I drove to Grapevine, TX, got my first set of supplies and haven't stopped!
TDB: Do you have any mishaps you want to share? Maybe something that you learned from?
Lauren: The first time I did cold process, I was unaware that if you use a plastic mold it should be lined or sprayed down with vegetable oil. Whoops. I ended up scooping them out with spoons once they were really hard. Needless to say they were used by my family only!
I've learned from all my beginning mistakes like most soapers do. My first experience with hot process was almost a disaster that I'm not sure the kitchen would've recovered from. Oh, and I also know now that ALL liquids should be cold when you are adding in lye. And if you have to do it inside, make sure those windows are OPEN! That stuff is dangerous, it's not messing around.

TDB: I love your photos! Do you do them yourself? Have any secrets?
Lauren: My biggest secret really isn't a secret; I make it well known on my blog and all my listings. I have a fabulous boyfriend who is a professional photographer (he received his degree in Photography two years ago!) and we set up a mock studio in my dining room for all the pictures. We share creative control over the photography but I'm not sure I could do it without him! I'm a lucky girl.
I always have a specific picture in my head that I want to create, and we usually get it just right. He's amazingly talented, no matter what he does really, and I could just as easily leave it all to him and trust that it would come out right. But I like to have my touch on the photos as well. You can check out his other work at his website,

TDB: What inspires you to create?
Lauren: The culinary arts have been VERY inspiring for me. I want all of my bath products to be good enough to eat. I have always loved cooking, so soap was a natural hobby to pick up. Soaping is very similar to cooking; there are recipes and steps to follow. I'm working on some tomato basil soap that uses real tomatoes and dried basil in it. The cupcake fizzers were inspired by my love of baking. My icing skills came into play when I decided to try my hand at that!
I also get inspired by my friends and family. I try and make every single one of my products something that they would love.

TDB: Please share a little about your family.
Lauren: I have one of the most supportive families ever! I am a full time college student (in my last year, hooray!) and I live with my parents. They let me turn the house upside down when craft shows come around. For my first show my mom stayed up with me all night getting last minute things done and she stays with me at all the fairs, I don't even have to ask. She is also my gift wrapper; no one ties a bow quite like she does. My aunt and my dad have both networked for me to get sales. My family members have all placed orders for Christmas too to help me generate more sales for the holidays! My aunt is very artistic and is always coming up with new ideas for me as well.
I couldn't do any of this without them. When I was nervous about a craft show once my dad said, "Hey the worst that could happen is that you don't sell any and we never have to buy a bar of soap ever again."

TDB: What is your greatest passion?
Lauren: Oohh, that's a tie! Creating and teaching. Ever since I was little, when my mom and I were out at stores and saw something neat, usually the first thing out of my mouth would be, "I could make that." Even if I had no idea how I would. I'm always making things, whether it's a cake, a birthday card, soap (mainly soap!), scrapbooking, crocheting, painting, ironing pearler beads, ANYTHING, I have to get my creative energy out and keep my hands busy!
Teaching is what I will be doing after I am finished with school. I am sociology major and I can not wait to teach full time. To me, teaching is one of those things that I feel I was put here to do. It feels so natural.
I've thrown around the idea of teaching a soap making class here locally. That would be great because it would combine BOTH of my passions!
TDB: If you were told you only had one year to live, how would you make the best of your time? What would you do? How would you live?
Lauren: I would live the same way I am now, but I would spend much more time with my family and friends. I would try and arrange to see The Rolling Stones in concert; my mom and I would get to be on stage with Rod Stewart during a concert, my dad, brother and I would fly with the Blue Angles, I would never turn down dessert, I would hold my baby cousin a lot more, I would probably hug my boyfriend way too much, I would never turn down opportunities to do anything, and I would take in every single moment.
Now for the GIVEAWAY!
Lauren is giving our winner: two bars of soap (winners choice of soap from her etsy site) an organic brown sugar scrub, a honey almond body butter, some honey almond bath salts, and a bath sponge! Each of them will be wrapped individually too so if you would like to pick soaps for gifts it will work!
To enter: Please visit Lauren's Etsy shop, then come back here and let us know what your favorite item is, and/or which two bars of soap you would choose if you won. Be SURE to leave a valid email address, if one is not connected with your Blogger account. You do not have to have a Blogger account to enter; you simply need to leave me an email address.
For one extra entry: Blog about this giveaway on your blog. Leave a separate comment with the link to your blog post.
For another extra entry: Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter. Use "@rioosodesigns" when you tweet about it. Leave a separate comment letting me know that you've done this.
For another extra entry: Follow our blog by clicking at the top right, on "Follow This Blog". Leave a separate comment lettting me know that you're following us.
This giveaway is open worldwide. Deadline to enter is Thursday, December 11th.
ALSO, for any Downtown Boutique readers that make a purchase from Tootie's Bubbles from DEC 5th through the 12th, will receive 15% off of their entire purchase.
Just let Lauren know that you heard about her on The Downtown Boutique!
Have a great weekend!
Hi! I love her site! She is very creative. My favorite item is her
"Men's Soap Gift Set!" I am the only female in a home of men. They must smell good or else!!!!! I would love to try the "Puppy Dog Shampoo" for our new puppy, Daisy and the "Raspberry Bar Soap" for me. Please enter me in this delightful drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi
love the raspberry bar soap, would take that and the candy cane soap
Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap or the candy cane sound awesome ! thnx for the opp!
I would like theGrapefruit Shea Butter Soap and the Candy Cane Soap.
candy cane sounds yummy and so does the puppy soap- yep they stink too and want something that cleans without poisoining their skin mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
I luv lots of stuff here! Like soaps I need soaps to smell nice and pamper myself!
The spiced pear shear butter soap sounds great.
theGrapefruit Shea Butter Soap
My favorite item is the Toasted Almond Gift set. If I won my 2 soap choices would be: Raspberry Bath Soap and Champagne Seal Salt Soap - thank you
Awesome shop! I like the puppy dog soap and the aramis men soap! Very unique!
One each please!! However you said to pick two. I would pick the raspberry bar soap. and my dog Jazzy wants the puppy dog soap.
Thanks for hosting a nice giveaway!!
Always blowing bubbles
I would pick Spiced Pear and Lavender and Rain soaps if I win. Thanks.
I would like 1 each of the lavender soaps--lavender tea tree and lavender and rain. Guess they would have to count as favorite items from the shop as well!
I would choose Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap for myself and for my little dog a bar of Puppy Dog Shampoo Soap!
Elaine R
I would love the Oatmeal, Milk & Honey and the Amaretto and Egg Nog soaps.
I posted this giveaway in the Favorite Finds section of my blog.
I've also got your button below my posts on my blog! :o)
I like the Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey Coconut one best, I would pick that and the Lavender Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter soap. She has a very nice site !
The amaretto and egg nog sounds good. the puppy dog one was really cute.
I love the Bath Sea Salt Pots, they are so qt. the soaps that i love would have to be Spiced Pear Shea Butter, and the Amaretto And Egg Nog. Thanks for the chance to win and Happt Holidays.
the Amarette and Egg Nog soap sounds awesome, but I would probably choose the Spiced Pear Shea butter soap and the Ylang Ylang soap. parvax at aol dot com
My favorites, and the ones I would choose if I were to win, are the Amaretto & Egg Nog Soap and the Fresh Dark Roast Coffee Soap.
I'd most like to try the toasted almond gift set. Thanks. Charlotte
If I win, I would choose the Amaretto and Egg Nog soap (which is also my favorite item), and the Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Coconut Milk soap.
Alicia Webster
Lavender and Rain Goats Milk and Glycerin Bar Soap
Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap
Wow, so many great products!
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
If I were so lucky as to win, I would choose these 2 bars of soap!
The Champagne Sea Salt Soap Bar and the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap!
I follow your blog!
I would love the Raspberry Bar Soap & the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap.
I like the Lavender Cold Process and Candy Cane Soap.
I would like to try the candy cane soap and the cupcake bath bombs :)
Thanks for a great giveaway :)
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
I like the Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey Coconut one best, I would pick that and the Lavender Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter soap.
Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap sounds nice!
I'd choose the Fresh Cut Grass soap and the Champagne Sea Salt soap - they're so inventive!
I'd pick the Candy Cane Soap and the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love her soaps! My fave thing would be Bath Sea Salt Pots and I'd love to win the Raspberry Bar Soap Handmade and Candy Cane Soap!
bunnybx at gmail . com
bunnybx at gmail . com
bunnybx at gmail . com
bunnybx at gmail . com
My favorite item is the Almond Cake Batter Cold Process Soap, it sounds wonderful!
Mens Soap Gift Set - Shaving soap - Homebrew Soap - Outdoors Soap - Fishing Soap for sure...great to see something for the guys! Son would love this thanks
I like the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap - 5oz, and the Fresh Cut Grass Soap - Cold Process - 5oz
I would like to try the Toasted Almond Gift Set and the soaps I would love to win are the Almond Cake Batter Soap and the Champagne Sea Salt Soap. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
Grapefruit Shea Butter and Raspberry bar soap.
I like Lavender Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter Soap.
annabell_lee_dk (at)
The Spiced Pear, Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap, and Almond Cake Batter Cold Process Soap sound like they smell wonderful. If I win, I'd like to try any two of them.
Mmm, the Amaretto & Egg Nog and Spiced Pear soaps sound amazing.
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
I like all their soaps but honestly if I won I would love the two soaps I get to be candy cane. I dont know what it is but I lovethat stuff!
I follow your blog!
Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap and spiced pear sounds yummy!
The Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bombs sound wonderful.
I would love to win the Candy Cane and Almond Cake Batter soaps.
My skin wants and needs Lavender Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter Soap - 4oz :o)
I would love Lavender Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter Soap & Lavender Cold Process
I'm following your blog!
I would choose the homebrew soaps!
Oooo love these....
Maybe the Armani's men soap and the puppy dog soap.
Her products are lovely! My favorite would be Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bombs. I would love to win the the Raspberry Bar Soap and Candy Cane Soap.
I love the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar soap and Oatmeal Milk and honey coconut milk soap too.
Great giveaway
mmmmmmmm candy cane :)
I have linked you at
My favorite item is the Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bombs. I'd want to try the Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap and the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap
Spiced Pear Shea Butler Soap would smell really good I think. Thank you and Merry Christmas
Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap and Champagne Sea Salt Soap Bar.
My favorite is the candy cane soap. I'd choose that and the fresh cut grass soap.
Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Coconut Milk Soap
Almond Cake Batter Cold Process Soap
I would pick the raspberry bar soap. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would choose the Raspberry Bar Soap Handmade
Following :)
I would love to check out the "Toasted Almond Gift Set". It looks so good and probably smells heavenly :)My 2 soap choice would be:
1) Two Almond Cake Batter (Yum)
2)Amaretto and Egg Nog Soap
I think I've become a soap junkie. Everything looks so good. I love the Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bombs and the Candy Cane 3 oz. soaps are wonderful.
I like the Candy Cane soap. I love the details and swirls of color in it!
I would choose the Almond Cake Batter & Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Coconut Milk Soap. They both sound yummy! :) Those would also be my fave items!
I like the Two Lemon Lime soap, however, I would also like to try the raspberry bar soap and the candy cane soap.
Lavender Tea Tree Oil soap & Lavender & Rain Soap
the one's I love are the raspberry bar soap, and the candy cane soap
The Fresh Cut Grass Soap & the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap sounds great!!
What a nice store! The Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bomb sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am following your blog!
I like the Shaving Soap bars and DH would love the Man Men Manly Outdoors Woodsy Earthy Soap - Texas Cedar Wood Oil - 5oz with the Shiner beer top (his favorite brew!).
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
spiced pear shea butter and the oatmeal, milk & honey coconut soap. And the high tea bath bags sound nice
tiramisu392 (at)
I like the Toasted Almond Gift Set
I really enjoyed reading what Lauren had to say. Now there is a person that everyone should know one of. very charming. And for that matter so is her soap. I would like those 2 lemon/lime soap bars.
Her soaps are my favorite items. I would pick Rain and Lavender Cold Process soaps.
Thanks for the nice and clean giveaway.
I love the Holiday Cupcake Fizzer Bombs! The Raspberry bar soap and the Champagne Sea Salt bar soap looks wonderful!
stormraven at gmail dot com
I love the Champagne Sea Salt Soap Bar! If I win I'd pick that and Fresh Dark Roast Coffee Soap Cold Process. Sounds sooooo nice!
i would love either the candy cane soap or the raspberry bar soap.
amysass at
The candycane and the rasberry soaps both sound wonderful!
bleuteam at gmail dot com
i would love to win
Lavender and rain sound like the soap I need.
I would pick the amaretto and egg nog plus the grapefruit shea butter.
I would love to try the Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Coconut Milk Soap. I have sensitive skin and this sounds perfect!
I follow your blog :)
While there I ordered the Fisherman's soap for my grown son who is an avid fisherman. I would however choose the Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Coconut Milk Soap and the Spiced Pear Shea Butter Bar Soap for myself.
I'm liking the Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bombs..I don't know why I have a thing for fizzy bombs, but I do..For my choice of soaps i would pick the Fresh Dark Roast Coffee Soap for me and the manly man one for the hubby...
Almond Cake Batter and the Candy Cane Soap.
id pick the Amaretto and Egg Nog Soap - 5oz - Holiday Scent - Great Hostess Gift and the Candy Cane Soap - 3oz - Great Stocking Stuffers
I like the sounds of the grapefruit shea butter!
I'm a follower
I tweeted
I would like to try the Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap
I like the Raspberry Bar Soap Handmade soap
the puppy dog is cute...
Holiday Cupcake Bath Fizzer Fizzy Bombs and the Amaretto and Egg Nog Soap. Thanks!!
Well, how on earth do you choose amidst such luscious choices. I'd love the try the Two Lemon-Lime Soap Bars Shea Butter Glycerin VEGAN FRIENDLY. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite is Ylang Ylang Soap - 5oz - Cold Process.
If I win I would like the Lavender and Rain Goats Milk and Glycerin Bar Soap - 4oz
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
the fresh cut grass soap sounds interesting!
Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap PLEASE FOR ME!
The Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap-5 oz. is my favorite.
My favorite is the Lavender Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter Soap - 4oz
Great stuff! The soap I like is the Oatmeal Milk and Honey and the Coffee Soap.
I'd choose Lavender Cold Process & Champagne Sea Salt Soap Bar.
I heart the Grapefruit Shea Butter Soap :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway and entry:)
I would like the Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Coconut Milk Soap and Lavender and Rain Goats Milk and Glycerin Bar Soap
spiced pear but any would be great
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